Local Node Kick-off meeting at ULiège
The ULiège local node is organizing its own kick-off event! It will be held on December 14th, in English, and (logically), at the University of Liège. If you are interested in participating, or simply would like to find out more about the event, you can visit the website here. The divers program surely includes something for all interests!
[FR] Webinaire Data Ambassadors: Archivage des Données de Recherche : pourquoi, comment, et pour qui ?
Les principes FAIR encouragent la réutilisabilité des données de la recherche, parfois jusqu’à très long terme. Ainsi, en tant que chercheurs, nous pouvons être amenés à réfléchir à la préservation des données de recherche, de manière ouverte ou non, via un procédé d’archivage. Qu’est-ce qu’une archive de données de recherche, comment la documenter, comment assurer sa pérennité ? De la même manière, la réutilisation de données archivées peut présenter un véritable défi : où et comment chercher ? Si cette thématique vous intéresse, vous pouvez participer au webinaire le 29 novembre 2023, à 14h30.
[FR] Webinaire Data Ambassadors: Réutiliser des données de réseaux sociaux pour de la recherche
Les données de réseaux sociaux représentent un corpus riche et complexe qui intéresse non seulement la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales, mais aussi en intelligence artificielle, ou encore d’autres disciplines. Or, la réutilisation de ces données à des fins de recherche doit s’accompagner d’une certaine prudence, au regard du cadre légal qui les entoure et de l’éthique à adopter lors de leur collecte. Comment se servir de ce type de données particulier à bon escient ? Pour y voir plus clair, le réseau de Data Ambassadors de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles vous invite à son prochain webinaire « Réutiliser des données de réseaux sociaux pour de la recherche ».
Call for researchers with data reuse story
The Flemish Research Data Network (FRDN) is organizing an Open Science Network Day on May 11th, 2023 (Hal 5, Leuven) titled “Imagining the future of Open Science in Flanders together“.
For a session on Data Reuse, we are looking for researchers who want to share their own Data Reuse stories via short video testimonials (1-3 min.).
Data reuse is crucial to enable different researchers to analyse and publish findings based on the same data independently from one another. Reuse of data requires that the data are described with sufficient metadata, are available in open source formats, and have adequate open license and documentation attached.
Find all details on the website of the Flemish Research Data Network
Register to attend the NERQ meeting now!
NERQ meeting on 3 March 2023 in BRUSSELS
The new international Network for Education in Research Quality (NERQ) invites you to join the kick-off meeting in Brussels in 2023. The European Commission and several H2020 projects on education and training in research integrity support this network. As initiatives in research ethics, reproducibility and open science networks often overlap with trainings and topics in research integrity; we seek how such overlap can benefit education and training. What joins us is an interest in reaching out to academics and students via education and training. We aim to achieve an inspiring learning environment to exchange good practices of teaching and learning, to help increase the quality of trainings and stimulate research on the impact and learning effects of trainings.
In our first (annual) meeting, we invite those interested in these topics to join us in this hybrid session. Moreover, we stimulate the on-site meeting with peers in the field: it will be an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better and exchange our experiences. A small budget is available for people who cannot get reimbursement from their institution. When subscribing to the event, please indicate if you would like to opt for a refund. But of course, we realize that not all members will have ample time or budget to travel to Brussels. Thus, we also offer an online option. For both forms of attendance, you can use the button below.
Register: https://lnkd.in/gF2JfTW3
N.B.: the registration is first come, first serve
Two newly funded open science projects, one with Belgian participation!
The KU Leuven is a partner in the newly funded Open Science to Increase Reproducibility In Science (OSIRIS) project, spearheaded by the Netherlands (see also the call for PhD applications below). The main aim of the project is to evaluate the effects of open science and reproducibility initiatives. This is only one of two newly funded EU projects around reproducibility: the TIER2 project will assess the existing tools used to increase reproducibility, work on their improvement and support their implementation!
OSIRIS PhD position at KU Leuven
KU Leuven invites applications for a 4-year PhD position within Horizon Europe project OSIRIS – Open Science to Increase Reproducibility in Science. This large-scale international project aims to investigate and deliver guidance about evidence-based interventions to improve the reproducibility of scientific findings, with particular attention for Open Science research practices. The PhD position is based at the Methods, Individual & Cultural Differences, Affect & Social Behavior (MICAS) research unit within the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences; and in collaboration with the KU Leuven Research Coordination Office.
Research will focus on investigating the drivers, barriers and facilitators for reproducibility of research, using systematic scoping review, in-depth semi-structured interviews with researchers at various European universities, and focus group discussions with stakeholder groups. The candidate will also be able to engage in all phases and activities of the project, thereby gaining new skills and expertise, and collaborate with other OSIRIS PhD researchers located across Europe.
For further information and to apply, click here!
[Event][French] Arrêtons de reproduire la crise de la reproductibilité en sciences
Christophe Bernard from the Université Aix-Marseille will hold a seminar titled “Arrêtons de reproduire la crise de la reproductibilité en sciences” at the Faculty of Medecine of the Université de Liège on December 8th, 2022, at 14h30. You can find more information on their website. Participation is free, but sign-up mandatory!
[Event][English] Kick-off meeting of the Belgian Reproducibility Network
Update: thank you all for attending! You can find the slides of the meeting here.
November 10th, 14h online for our kick-off meeting!
On the program: a feedback meeting explaining what the initiating steering board of the Belgian Reproducibility Network (BE-RN) has done so far in building capacity for enhancing reproducibility in research in Belgium, and gathering both feedback and new enthusiasts to build the community in our universities and other organisations.
Join us on zoom! To receive the meeting link and occasional news and calls to action around the activities of the BE-RN, write us to info@reproducibilitynetwork.be or sign up here.